Published on
December 20, 2014

85. Mamman Sani
(Sahel Sounds)
This collection of Sani’s unreleased work dating from 1985-88 is one of the finds of the year, and comes hot on the heels of last year’s similarly sublime archival release ‘La Musique Electronique of Niger’. Taarit is more of the same in the best possible way; minimal, hypnotic organ pieces that serve as a tonic for the ears. Further proof that Sani is a true legend of blending traditional folk stylings with experimental technique and electronics.
84. Liars
This is the sound of Liars with their balls out running riot through nightclubs and discos! It’s a huge wall of electronics, beats and riffs with Angus doing his thing, spitting some crazy shit and getting everyone to join in, spray beer everywhere and just get done and dance. Their could be some deeper meaning but I like to think it’s a Liars party and i’m not going home tip’ it’s done!
83. Sleaford Mods
Divide And Exit
Surely one of the band’s of 2014 and bound to be in every best of everywhere. If you don’t know, one of them actually looks like a mod and the other a ghostly b-boy and powered by a laptop alone, they channel the likes of The Fall, Public Enemy, Suicide and the Sex Pistols into one ranting looped out furious blast. The greatest English band in the world right now.
82. Ibibio Sound Machine
Ibibio Sound Machine
Another big step in the right direction for Soundway Records as the tropical reissue label builds its reputation for new and vibrant culture clash recordings. Lots going on here as British / Nigerian vocalist Eno Williams channels joyous highlife and disco influences in the vein of Oby Onyioha through a sparser post-punk filter. Watertight if at times restrained, Ibibio are at their most arresting with Williams at the fore. A fine debut for an outfit well on the way to finding a strong voice.
81. Cloudface
Wyre Drive
(Going Good)
An all hardware construction that keeps its version of techno and acid refreshingly simple, analogue (tape grime included) and to the point. London’s Going Good did the honorable thing and transferred Cloudface’s 2012 cassette onto wax for one of the year’s choice 12”s.