Published on
January 17, 2014
A masterclass in attention to detail.
Purporting to be Actress’ final release under the enigmatic moniker, Werkdiscs and Ninja Tune have revealed photos of the stunning deluxe box set, which twins the new release with the first of his quartet Hazyville, originally released in 2008 and appearing here to the square the circle (or the triangle) of Actress’ succinct discography.
Selected as part of our vinyl releases to look out for in early 2014 list, expectation around the release and its deluxe counterpart looks to have been well-founded, with these photos also revealing what was meant (sort of) by its description as a “black elephant skinned box set”. With art direction by William Stein and design from Inventory Studio, the box includes both records in LP and CD formats, and a 12″ forty-page art book of abstract collages, that serve rather to obscure than illuminate the producer even further.
It’s one of the most comprehensive and thoroughly designed boxes we’ve seen, and one which marries the form and content of the Actress sound with remarkable clarity. Anyway, enough from us. Feast your eyes on the below.