Published on
April 21, 2015
Take your Discogs habit mobile.
iPhone users have MilkCrate, now Android users have Discollector; and for all intents and purposes, the two apps are one and the same. Both do a great job of bringing the Discogs experience mobile, offering essential features like the ability to browse through the Discogs catalogue and manage your collection.
Like MilkCrate, Discollector has a neat interface and is incredibly easy to use: simply login in with your Discogs account and you’re off. You can flip through release information on any record, including stats on past sales and details on marketplace offerings. And where a record has a barcode, you can scan it for rapid access to the release page.
If you find a record you want, add it to your wantlist and fiddle around with your virtual collection in exactly the same way that you might do on the Discogs site. Obviously any changes made on the app sync straight over to your Discogs account. There’s also the facility to view orders and past correspondence, although you can’t actually send messages or order records on the app: you’ll need to link back over to Discogs to complete those bits.
The real hook for us is the way that the app can elevate those crate digging expeditions and increase opportunities for music discovery. For £1.72 Discollector gives you the world of vinyl at your finger tips – the perfect tool for when you’re out digging in a dusty record store or trawling through a dog-eared charity shop crate.
Purists might point to record shopping as a slow form of enjoyment, something at odds with the whirlwind energy offered by apps like MilkCrate and Discollector and a tension that we explore in our recent podcast. But for most, Discogs and these spin-off apps enhance rather than detract from the joy of record collecting.
As with MilkCrate, this is very much an app for the record collector rather than the record dealer. We’re still eagerly waiting for someone to crack an app for Discogs sellers.