Published on
January 16, 2015

Fari Bradley and Chris Weaver are working with UAE-based musicians, fine artists and local school children to present sound art exhibition ‘Systems for a Score’ at Tashkeel, Dubai.
This January, mid-point in their 11-month New Media Artist residency programme at Tashkeel, Fari Bradley and Chris Weaver will exhibit their first solo sound art exhibition in the region. Reiterating sound across divergent forms, from material to social (such as sculptures and a recording studio), the artists explore the capacity of sound to bridge actual and imagined states.
The central installation, A Model Studio, is a live recording studio that brings in a social aspect to the exhibition, creating a space for collective, cumulative experience. Working from the studio during the exhibition, Bradley and Weaver have invited musicians and artists met while in the UAE to collaborate. The result of the recording sessions will feed into limited edition vinyl records, crafted by The Vinyl Factory and on sale during Art Dubai 2015.
The physical form of A Model Studio, and the happenings within it, take as a departure point the Al Sadu (sadoo) weave, a long-standing textile tradition of the Emirates.
The weave patterns appear implicitly similar to coded sound in their repetitive, formalised structure, which signify the hand of the maker in the fractionally irregular knots. These forms and methods inspired graphics generated on an 80s Atari game console, which was physically modified by the artists.
Whilst at Tashkeel, the artists set out to examine the “grammar” of sound art, examining the principles that hearing is another form of seeing and that sound is considered to only have meaning when paired with a visual. The results are a series of sound sculptures, silent works suggesting sounds and installation-based works that explore visual language and its relation to sound.
Photos: Jerry Balloch