Published on
April 8, 2013
Let the pine needle drop. Sound designer and composer Diego Stocco has produced an outrageous new organic scratching method that will make you bud with joy.
Rigging up a microphone to his finger and pressing various leaves (Southern magnolia or American hornbeam, we can’t be sure) onto the grooved turntable, Stocco creates truly unique electronic music as a side project to his career scoring films and playing instruments on video game soundtracks. [Via Egotripland]
Not one not to see the wood for the tress, Italian-born Stocco has been involved with the acoustic possibilities of nature for some time, with Music From Nature and the intriguingly titled Music From A Tree proving to be fertile land on which to grow his horticultural mixing techniques. It’s like a hip version of The Vegetable Orchestra without the soup.
Watch the video below and check out his site for more projects.