Published on
April 22, 2016

Good news for Aussie indies.
Adelaide is to get its first vinyl pressing plant, with Roundabout Records promising to provide a “more boutique” service than the major alternatives.
Having sourced hardware from the heyday of HMV and a classic EMI desk, Roundabout are getting ready to set up shop pressing runs of 100-1000 records for local artists, with recording and mastering also offered in-house. The jewel in their crown? A super rare 1950s Neumann AM-32 cutting lathe nabbed from New Zealand’s old HMV Studios.
As Roundabout’s Colin Forster says: “I was the first one to get to Auckland… A guy jumped on a plane in Germany that night, and a guy jumped on a plane in America that night, and just because I got there first, I was pretty lucky.”
With 2015 vinyl sales up 30% in Australia on the previous year, Forster expects the plant to be open by winter. [via InDaily/Citymag]