Published on
June 26, 2018

Between Heaven and Earth… lies vinyl?
The 4xLP package of Kamasi Washington’s new album Heaven and Earth has a secret record hidden inside it.
The surprise was discovered by industrious fans, who located the additional record lying in wait underneath the album’s centre gatefold.
The new #kamasiwashington album has a 5th #vinyl disc hidden in the spine of the cover. While it pains me to cut into the beautiful packaging, it's well worth the risk. The album is amazing by the way. buy it now, you'll love it. #jazz #youngturksrecordings
— Til Breidenbach (@tilmobaxter) June 21, 2018
The Choice EP features five tunes including a Carol King cover, adding an additional 40 minutes to the 2.5 hours of music already contained on the album.
Order a copy of Heaven and Earth here, and check out the track list below:
The Choice
Side I
1. The Secret of Jinsinson
2. Will You Love Me Tomorrow
Side J
1. My Family
2. Agents of Multiverse
3. Ooh Child