Published on
May 12, 2020

“Seeds of hope for the coming post-pandemic parties.”
EM Records is releasing a new compilation of contemporary electronic pop from Japan, titled S.D.S =Zero= (Subscription Double Suicide), this May.
Read more: An introduction to 10 of Japan’s best independent record labels
Rather than offering a snapshot into a specific scene or label, S.D.S instead features 12 eclectic tracks from 17 artists.
Placing an emphasis on vocals, the compilation includes elements of hip-hop, trap, EDM and bass music.
S.D.S follows EM Records’ release of Bird Cage: Birdfriend Archives – one of our favourite releases from March.
Head here to pre-order a copy in advance of S.D.S =零= (Subscription Double Suicide =Zero=)’s 29th May release, check out the artwork and tracklist below.
1. Dove – Irrational
2. Lil Soft Tennis – Feelin’ Love
3. Tamanaramen – angelnumber
4. Karavi Roushi and Aquadab – Tokyoite – Val Kilmer (Love Her)
5. valknee + ANTI -The Best SSS in Life (2020 Mix)
6. NTsKi – Labyrinth of Summer (KM Remix)
7. Seaket – yoi
8. Menace-nai – Lucky Guess
9. lIlI- Nightmare
10. CVN – withoutu feat. Itaq
12.Le Makeup – Ray