Beasts of Gravity (Art Ed.)

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Joana Escoval & Nuno da Luz

Beasts of Gravity (Art Ed.)

£ 250.00

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– Includes exclusive artwork by Joana Escoval to be used/held while immersed in this specific sonic environment.
– Contains numbered certificate and instructions for use of the artwork.
– Double LP created by Joana Escoval and Nuno da Luz.
– Recorded on the volcanic islands of Iceland and Stromboli.
– Sounds recorded from above and under ground, inside and outside of water and inside the earth’s magnetosphere.
– Remix and remodels from DJ Marfox and Alva Noto / Carsten Nicolai
– Text by curators João Mourão, Luís Silva and Milovan Farronato.
– Music and words brought together in the aftermath of Joana Escoval’s exhibition “I forgot to go to school yesterday” (curated by Kunsthalle Lissabon (João Mourão and Luís Silva at Kunsthalle Tropical, Möðrudalur, Iceland) and “Spirit Trail”, a walk on the slopes of the volcano in Stromboli (prepared by Joana Escoval as part of Volcano Extravaganza 2016, curated by Milovan Farronato and Camille Henrot).
– Edition of 30
Release date: 21/06/2019

Side A comprises the First and Second Movements: the First is composed of seismic waves, VLF radiation (electrical storms reflected on the Ionosphere), and the songs of Humpback Whales; in the Second Movement, three whales reach up to the surface to breathe through their blowholes, accompanied by wind gusts and birds circling above.

Side C comprises the Third and Fourth Movements: in the Third, a high-pressure geyser is paired up with cymbal washes and seismic waves; and in the Fourth and last, the wind plays electric guitar accompanied by the sea surf down on the beach, in Stromboli. It ends with a locked groove featuring the ambient sound within the crater of an extinct volcano, in Iceland.


A. Beasts of Gravity – 14’40
B. Beasts of Gravity (DJ Marfox Remix) –  5’29
C. Living Metals – 13’53’’
D. Living Metals (alva noto Remodel) – 5’23’’