Watch Madlib discuss forthcoming projects, his 4-tons of vinyl and J Dilla’s unreleased jazz album





The Beat Konducta opens up about the wealth of new material he has stashed away amongst his astronomical record collection.

Cornered during a recent tour of the UK, Madlib gave a rare and particularly revealing interview that reflects on his sprawling 13-album marathon the Medicine Show and looks forward to new work under his multiple alias, from a new Quasimoto album to Madvillain to Mos Def’s forthcoming material.

There’s also insight into new MF Doom work and a brace of tantalising and previously unreleased projects by J Dilla that include a jazz album and a more electronic work Madlib likens to “Kraftwerk or something crazy”. [Via Potholes]

Watch the 9-minute interview, which includes footage from the London Medicine Show, below: