Published on
January 20, 2017
Originally published on FACT.
The grand opening has been announced.
Over the weekend, Third Man Records announced they would finally open a long-planned vinyl pressing plant in Detroit. Details of the facility, including the opening date, have now been unveiled.
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Set to open on February 25, the label describes the plant as a “meticulously designed boutique vinyl record production facility with a unique customer experience, providing visual evidence to visitors of vinyl’s beauty and importance.” According to a post on Facebook, the infrastructure of Third Man Pressing will also be pretty environmentally-friendly.
They also estimate that 5000 records can be produced in an eight-hour shift – although, they do not specify whether that is per machine or by the whole fleet at once – which is currently a “cycle time of approximately 45 seconds per record.”
Third Man Pressing also says they are bringing “upwards of 50 new living wage jobs with benefits into Detroit (on top of the 20 jobs already created by the Willy’s building Third Man Records location at large).”
An opening party is also set for February 25, where limited edition vinyl made at Third Man Pressing will be for sale, including reissues of The White Stripes’ self-titled debut and their second album, De Stijl.
Read more about Third Man Pressing here.