Published on
August 20, 2013
Hit up your local US record store for a chance to pick up free vinyl hidden treasures…
Our friends at Dust & Grooves have just unveiled the video announcement for their upcoming Dust & Grooves Road Trip: Digging for America’s Finest Record Collectors – which sets off in two days time and takes place between August 22nd and September 22nd, 2013.
The trip will document vinyl collectors throughout the U.S. and gather material for the upcoming book project – along the way, the team at Dust & Grooves will be making a series of short films for The Vinyl Factory, which you can see right here in the coming weeks.
But that’s not all. Along their route, which winds its way across America making stops in a cities including New York, Chicago, Portland, San Francisco, LA, Austin, Philadelphia and many more, daily giveaways will be hidden at record stores and music related stops – including several limited edition releases from The Vinyl Factory.
“Once planted, clues will be dropped on our social media outlets and website to help you find the giveaways,” says the vinyl culture site. “By the end of the trip, we will raffle off a Tucker & Bloom Rich Medina 45 bag full of vinyl goods we would pick in our travels to one lucky person. We will be giving away vinyl records everyday during the road trip!”