Biz Markie shows off the world’s only pair of 7″ Technics turntables





Aren’t they cute?

Mooted for the last eight years or so, the Technics SL-700 model turntable custom built for 45s has acquired a mythical quality greater than even the rarest soul 45’s in Biz Markie’s extensive collection. Reported by DJworx and backed up by Markie’s own claim on Twitter (“I bizmarkie has the only 2 pair of sl-700 in the world period …..”), the Technics SL-700s were showcased at the hip hop vet fest Tools of War Crotona Park Jams. via [DJworx]

It seems fitting that the so-called “Clown Prince of Hip Hop” should be riding on the DJing equivalent of a pocket bicycle.

Check out a few more images here, including a finished prototype which could hint at future commercial release. For the time being though, the 7″ Technics are for Markie’s 45s only. Check out a short video on his record collection below: