* Gosha Rubchinskiy’s new 10-track album IZ SKAZKI (translating as “From the Fairytale”), released as part of his world-wide art project, GR-Uniforma.
* All music created by; Gosha Rubchinskiy, Pavel Milyakov, Valentin Fufaev, Stepan Yasinsky & Nikita Bobkov
* Recorded between a home studio in the village of Podrezkovo (Moscow) and Dean Street studios (London).
* Artwork by Arseniy Kazimirov
* Produced by Gosha Rubchinskiy & Pavel Milyakov
* Release date: 16/05/2019
GRUPPA was created after Stepan Yasinsky & Nikita Bobkov, both aspiring musicians who met modelling at Gosha’s last show in Yekaterinburg back in January 2018, reached out to Gosha and his team to make music together. With Gosha Rubchinskiy and Pavel Milyakov (Gosha’s long-time collaborator & musician) as co-producers, this turned into a concrete project, encompassing more than just the music. It is a multidisciplinary art project including a photography book, short films, and a clothing collection which launches at Dover Street Market in May 2019.
A1: YA I TY (Me and You)
A2: MESYAC (Crescent Moon)
A3: KRASNYI AD – BELYIE BINTY (Red Hell – White Bandages)
A4: CHERTI (Devils)
A5: MESYAC 2 (Crescent Moon 2)
B2: SOLNCA NET (There is No Sun)
B3: NASRAT (We Don’t Care)
B4: BELYI LEBED (White Swan)
B5: PAREN IZ RUSSKOY SKAZKI (Guy from Russian Fairytale)