Published on
June 30, 2017
The high-end turntable manufacturers go sub-$1,000.
Known for their range of high-end turntables – the VPI Prime Scout is the most expensive in our guide to the best high-end turntables – New Jersey-based VPI Industries have unveiled their first “entry-level” deck, available for $900.
While “entry-level” is of course relative, it represents a bit of a leap for VPI, who have named the deck the VPI Cliffwood after the location where their turntables have been made for over thirty years.
“Most companies when making entry level products source their components outside their country of origin,” read the announcement on VPI’s website. “This is why we celebrate our heritage and our VPI workers by naming this turntable after the place they are built.”
VPI have also teamed up with Grado Labs to develop the cartridge that will be mounted to all VPI Cliffwood decks. Meanwhile, the tonearm is a 9″ machined aluminum gimbal, that is aimed at being robust and easy to use but also delivering top sound.
Shipping at the end of July, the VPI Cliffwood is currently only available in the US, but should subsequently hit the global market. See the dramatic promo video below and find out more here.