Published on
September 24, 2015
The Edit wants to help you build the ultimate record collection.
Introducing The Edit, the latest vinyl-related service to try and enable your record addiction. Sign up and they’ll send you a text message every day recommending a classic or essential record which you can then opt to buy, simply by replying ‘Yes’.
Free to sign up, all you have to do is supply them with your bank details once, and presto, henceforth your next record is just a text message away.
Sound dangerous? The Edit have mercifully introduced a ‘buyer’s remorse’ function, where you have 30 minutes to cancel your order, in case you were too trigger-happy or realised you didn’t like Queens Of The Stone Age that much anyway.
Currently only available in the United States, shipping costs a flat $3 and all orders are trackable online. Find out more on their website.