Published on
April 23, 2019

The first of four new Special Request albums out this year.
Paul Woolford is releasing four new albums on Houndstooth under his Special Request alias, starting with the nine-track Vortex this May.
“I had a right fucking doss making this. Fuck all that conceptual guff m888,” Woolford says of the four albums. While only Vortex has been announced, we can expect “bowel-evacuating bangers”. Listen to ‘SP4NN3R3D’ below.
Vortex is Woolford’s first Special Request album since 2017’s Belief System, a similarly sprawling full-length that covered 23 tracks.
Pre-order a copy here ahead of its 31st May release, check out the cover artwork and tracklist below.
1. Belgian Entrance
2. SP4NN3R3D
3. Memory Lake
4. Fahrenheit 451
5. Ardkore Dolphin
6. Vortex 150
7. Levitation
8. Fett
9. A Gargantuan Melting Face Floating Effortlessly Through The Stratosphere