Published on
April 3, 2018

A musical, textual and visual travelogue.
Sound designer and ambient artist Mark Templeton has announced Distorted Tourist, a new book that collects photos, writing, art and music into one multimedia project on Graphical Recordings.
Distorted Tourist features photos taken by Templeton while driving through commercial industrial areas near his home. Paired with the photos are diary entries written by author Ryan Diduck and musical recordings by Templeton, included on five one-sided Flexidiscs.
“Each photograph captures, mid-fall, the familiar and uncanny spaces of dislocated urban decay — monuments to the failures of modernity,” a statement from the label reads. “Rather than attractions, the tourist here bears witness to the inevitability of moths and rust.”
Distorted Tourist follows Templeton’s 2017 album Gentle Heart, which closed the Canadian musician’s ongoing Heart Trilogy and was included in our Best Of Bandcamp column.
Distorted Tourist is out 20th June via Graphical Recordings.