Published on
April 20, 2017
Expect mountains of rare disco, new age and city pop.
Light In the Attic has announced a new reissue series focussed on unearthing Japan’s vast heritage of music, from folk and rock, to new age, boogie, starry-eyed city pop and groundbreaking electronica.
Promising dozens of releases, the series will begin with a groundbreaking compilation called Even A Tree Can Shed Tears: Japanese Folk & Rock 1969-1973, which the label claims is “the first-ever fully licensed compilation of this music to be released outside Japan.” Hear preview track ‘Arthur Hakase No Jinriki Hikouki’ by Kazuhiko Kato below:
Staking an early claim to be one of the year’s best compilations, it features artists like Haruomi Hosono, Maki Asakawa, Sachiko Kanenobu and Kenji Endo, and heralds a number of subsequent compilations that sound equally exciting; Pacific Breeze: Japanese City Pop, AOR & Boogie 1975-1985, and Kankyō Ongaku: Japanese Ambient, Environmental & New Age Music 1980-1990.
Even A Tree Can Shed Tears includes original artwork by illustrator Heisuke Kitazawa and a 20 page book with extensive liner notes & bios and will be released on coloured and black vinyl via Light In The Attic on 20th October. Pre-order your copy here.