Published on
December 21, 2015
Originally published on FACT
One of the Drexciya producer’s lesser-known albums makes it to wax.
The sole album from Gerald Donald’s Zwischenwelt project is being released on vinyl thanks to Clone’s Aqualung label.
Originally released on Rephlex in 2011, Paranormale Aktivitât saw Donald collaborate with German vocalist Beta Evers, New York producer Susana Correia and Spanish producer Penélope Martín on an album described by the label as “cold voices sonicly merging with emotional machine sounds.”
As RA reports, Aqualung (Clone’s sub-label for everything Drexciya-related) has stepped in the provide the vinyl version promised by Rephlex that never surfaced. You can check out clips of the album below, which is released by Aqualung on February 1.
If you still don’t know Der Zyklus from Dopplereffekt, explore the many aliases of Donald in our Demystifying Gerald Donald feature.
01. Apparition
02. Clairvoyant
03. Cryptic Dimension
04. Diapsiquia
05. Enigmata
06. Materialization
07. Multiple Existence
08. Premonition
09. Telemetric
10. Remote Viewer
11. Segunda Realidad
12. Telekinesis