Explore 120 years of record shops in Paris with this interactive map





Allez! Disquaires de Paris maps the history of record stores in the French capital.

Developed by 78rpm collector Thomas Henry, the man behind the brilliant vintage vinyl blog Ceints de Bakélite, the map begins in the late 19th century with the city’s phonograph cylinders salesmen and currently traces the opening and closing of shops until the 1960s, with each entry marked by a a specific piece of memorabilia, whether in the form of labels, posters or stamps. Some even have a small gallery of 78s or cylinders you can scroll through.

Sourced over a period of time from flea market finds, tip offs and archival research, the site is still a work in progress, with an updated version planned to include shops from the modern era too. That said, the moveable timeline is a nice touch, allowing you to see how the spread of shops has evolved over time.
Click here to explore it in more depth, but make sure your French is up to scratch first.