hosting 48-hour radio stream in aid of COVID-19 relief in India





“Music has the power to connect, mobilize and heal.”

New Delhi-based radio station is hosting a weekend-long radio stream raising money for COVID-19 relief in India.

The 48-hour show is raising money to GiveIndia, which works towards supporting COVID-19 patients, their families, and healthcare workers during India’s current and devastating coronavirus wave.

“Music has the power to connect, mobilize and heal – we truly hope that this programming brings a few moments of enjoyment to our listeners while it also supports the incredible work of those on the frontlines through the funds raised,” shares the station.

The stream will air on across the 15th and 16th of May, while the fundraiser will conclude on the 19th of May.

At the time of writing the fundraiser has raised over £1,400 of its £ 4,843 goal.

Head here for more info and to donate.

Photo: FILM at Boxout Weekender 2018.