Barnes & Noble to host “national vinyl day”





Every day is vinyl day.

Major US bookshop chain Barnes & Noble is to mark its expanded selection of vinyl records with a day of events, exclusive releases, live music and signed editions.

Set to take place on August 13th across all 640 of its stores, some of the events include a discussion with 24 actor Kiefer Sutherland about his new record (!?) at the Union Square store in NYC and a Crosley Turntable Truck (!?) at the Louisville store.

As Chuck Gorman, Vice President of Music and Video at Barnes & Noble says: “Barnes & Noble has become the ultimate destination for all things related to vinyl music.”

While it’s not totally clear what “vinyl music” actually is, he persists: “Our customers can shop an extensive selection of vinyl records, turntables and the leading lineup of magazines and books, at any of our stores nationwide. No other retailer can offer as comprehensive an experience when it comes to vinyl music.”

Find out more here or just visit one of your local independent record shops instead. [via Businesswire]