Published on
June 20, 2013
Artist Doug Aitken on track to stage his moving installation Station To Station: A Nomadic Happening across America in September.
Touring ten different locations across the country, Aitken’s twilight express will act as a vessel for the artist’s site-specific events and installations, set to feature the music of Charlotte Gainsbourg, Dirty Projectors, Twin Shadow, and Dan Deacon as well as experimental filmmaker Kenneth Anger, artist Liz Glynn, and digital media artist Aaron Koblin.
Drawing on the romance of great trans-continental train journeys, as well as name-checking Bowie’s seminal 1976 album, the “moving target” as Aitken describes it, will begin in New York and shunt its way slowly towards the Pacific, where it will end in San Francisco.
In a statement, Aitken said: “This is a fast moving cultural journey, a constant search over the new horizons of our changing culture. Grounded in some basic questions—Who are we? Where are we going? And, at this moment, how can we express ourselves?—our intention is to create a modern cultural manifesto.” [via Wired]
The train will be departing on September 6th 2013, and for more info visit their website.