Published on
October 16, 2015
Originally posted on FACT
So you can’t be bothered with all that groundwork and investment and A&R legwork and effort – why not just buy yourself a readymade label?
Canadian imprint Handshake Inc. is a fully functioning business perfect for “hobbyists, pros, and any goal oriented people who still maintain a sense of hope and wonder about the music industry,” and it could be yours for $5,000.
An ad on Craigslist explains that the buyer would inherit the underground metal and noise label’s whole back catalogue of EPs, LPs, DVDs and a book, along with “North American and International distribution, digital royalties, press contacts, remaining stock (vinyl, dvds), 2k Twitter followers and 2k Facebook likes.”
Handshake Inc. founder David Hall confirmed the sale toExclaim, explaining that he’s moving on to start a new company making films and videos.
Handshake Inc. was founded in 2006 and later joined by noted metal scribe Kim Kelly and Agoraphobic Nosebleed frontman Jay Randall. The label’s roster includes Fuck the Facts, Rwake, Orthrelm’s Mick Barr, Gridlink, Blacklisters and Pyrrhon, plus three instalments of Maryland Deathfest: The Movie.