The Specialist: Watch DJ Shiftee's turntablism tutorial





The master takes you through his art.

For this episode of The Specialist we’ve gone for something a little different. What is usually a short film series profiling record collectors through one aspect of their collection that’s particularly important to them, is, today, focussed on a much more active specialism.

Read next: A brief history of turntablism

For the uninitiated, turntablism can look like something of a dark art. Just ask some of the entrants to our One Minute Mix mini-film series.

But here to demystify the process is DJ Shiftee, the 2009 DMC World DJ Finals Champion and one of the most decorated Americans ever to chance his arm of the 1’s and 2’s.

Having submitted his own 60 seconds of fire to our One Minute Mix series, we asked Shiftee to share the love with this ten minute turntablism tutorial for curious newcomers and seasoned pros alike.