Interview: Es Devlin on new installation Screenshare at The Vinyl Factory: Reverb exhibition





Es Devlin’s Screenshare is now showing at The Vinyl Factory: Reverb exhibition.

In a new interview, artist and polymath Es Devlin discusses her installation Screenshare, now on display at The Vinyl Factory: Reverb exhibition at 180 Studios.

Touching on the datafication of film, collaboration and the work of poet Adrienne Rich, Devlin explains the process behind Screenshare and how it came to be.

“A cinema screen is formed of 365 sketchbooks. At the end of an 8-minute film, the audience is invited to take a page of the screen away with them.

The sketches have been made over the past 35 years: some are drawings of London species, some drawings of my kids, lots of process drawings, traces of me trying to work out ideas or share them with collaborators,” Devlin describes.

“The film is an anthology drawn from installation works made over the past 16 years and the soundtrack is an extract from the Vinyl Factory record we made with Polyphonia last year, An Atlas of Es Devlin.

Last year, VF and Devlin released 20 soundscapes from her works, produced by Polyphonia, on a limited-released record titled An Atlas of Es Devlin.

Mixed with Devlin’s voiceovers, personal stories and poetry,  An Atlas of Es Devlin features music from A Forest of Us (2021) at Superblue, Miami and BLUESKYWHITE (2021) at 180 Studios, London.

Watch the video above and book tickets for the exhibition here.

The Vinyl Factory: Reverb runs until 28 September 2024 at 180 The Strand. Book tickets online.

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