Punk keeps peace; new film Good Vibrations celebrates record store’s role in uniting youth of 70’s Belfast





Never under estimate the power of music. Good Vibrations may not be the first film to explore a community united by music, but it is a cheerful and moving story about idealistic record store owner Terri Hooley that charts the unlikely role of punk music in bringing together the non-sectarian youth of 70’s and early 80’s Belfast.

Opened in the midst of the Troubles on the most bombed-out half mile in Europe, Hooley’s record store Good Vibrations served as the centre point for a burgeoning underground music culture in Belfast and further afield in Norther Ireland.

From the store, Hooley would help bring punk music to a city crying out for a way to articulate tensions within the community, starting a record label that would go on to receive the blessings of John Peel and Joe Strummer. In doing so, Hooley helped kickstart the careers of many young local bands, indlucing The Undertones.

Based on this remarkable true story of one man’s conviction in the redemptive power of music and the record store that made it happen, Good Vibrations is in cinemas across the UK now and is co-produced by Andy Eaton, who worked on Michael Winterbottom’s 24 Hour Party People.

Check out the official trailer below, and a profile Terri Hooley below that.